[January 2020 Updated]

Congratulations, you did it, girl. Yay. You made it through all the tough things, the morning sickness, the mood swings, the swollen feet, the painful muscles, the rushing to washrooms, well, there’s still a few hours of that left and One last thing to do pack a Baby Arrival Hospital Bag. But you did and it’s now the time to give birth, bring home that gift, be a miracle of your own, I mean you are bringing a human being to this world, that’s awesome.

A baby although you know when is going to come, can sometimes hurry as well. I mean it’s the baby who knows? It may want to come out a week before or maybe not even come after 48 hours of the due date. In any case, you need to be prepared. Preparation is the key to having a stress free birth; I mean stress free from forgetting stuff in a hurry.

Start packing before your date to be certain you’re prepared for the baby’s big arrival. We have compiled a list of items that you will need before, during, and after childbirth. So pack a bag 3-4 weeks before the arrival of the baby date and be prepared in advance.

Baby Arrival Hospital Bag For you personally (the birthing mom):

  • 2 front-opening nightdresses for Breast Feeding
  • A Couple of pairs of comfy underwear
  • Check List Baby Arrival Hospital BagDurable, sanitary pads
  • A dressing or shawl gown
  • Slippers or Flipflops
  • A set of socks that are warm and no slippery, like these.
  • Breast pads, lanolin lotion (for tender nipples) & nursing bras
  • A feeding cape or a nursing cape (if you are expecting people)
  • Your phone and charger
  • Toiletries and cosmetics
  • Lip balm
  • Outfit to wear house
  • Body lotion/cream or massage oil
  • Hospital file/notes (insurance and history)
  • Birth plan (if you’ve got one)

Hospital bag For the Newborn baby:

  • 3 Fragrant onesies that fasten the front
  • Socks, mittens, and hat
  • Baby Dresses, including a hat and blanket
  • About 20-30 diapers
  • Baby Wipes
  • Baby Lotion
  • Diaper Cream
  • Get a pre-packed bag from Amazon, click here

One More Baby Arrival Hospital bag, For your Spouse/Partner:

Don’t forget to browse through our website for baby rash treatment and knowledge because you are going to face this rash sooner than you think. Be prepared and congratulations in advance.