When a person has red and inflamed skin, they may just be suffering from eczema. If a doctor has told you that you have eczema, you may be searching for answers. This article is here to help you with some expert eczema tips that will help give you the solutions you need.

If you have eczema, avoid stressful situations if you can. Stress can cause eczema breakouts. Meditate if you have a lot of tension and anxiety. It may help keep your eczema manageable.

You should always use sunscreen. This is even more important when you have eczema. Use a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 so you don’t get a sunburn. Having a sunburn can make your skin even itchier than usual. You could use sunscreens specifically formulated for the face on the entire body. These are generally more gentle to use.

Be careful when you put on sunscreen. You never know what may cause you to have an outbreak of eczema. The higher the SPF, the more likely it is that the sunscreen may cause you to have an issue. Try and find something with an SPF of around 35. That should protect your skin from the sun and keep it in good shape overall.

Moisturize regularly. Moisturizers can control eczema effectively. The ideal time to apply a moisturizer is right after you take a bath. Choose mild, fragrance-free, chemical-free options, preferably natural moisturizers. These things can irritate the skin. Thick ointments and creams tend to work best.

Resist the urge to scratch. Scratching will only intensify that itchy feeling. It can also cause harm to your skin, including infection. Find other ways to relieve that itch. Use moisturizers, medications, cold compresses, and long soaks in the tub instead. These methods relieve your itch and make you feel better.

Avoid becoming overheated. Excess sweat can trigger eczema flare-ups. If you do work out, take a shower afterward. In fact, shower after any bout of strenuous activity, which could include things like gardening or heavy housework. Keeping your skin clean will help to keep you comfortable and your eczema flare-ups at bay.

Make sure your home is always at a comfortable temperature. Extreme temperatures can cause flare-ups. Use the air conditioner when it is hot outside, and use a humidifier when it’s cold outside. The humidifier will allow your skin not to dry out too much.

Winter weather can cause eczema to worsen. Anytime your skin is exposed to frigid air, it needs a protective barrier to protect it from moisture loss. On any skin areas, such as the face or neck, be sure to heavily apply a moisturizer. Moisturizers will help you avoid dry and cracking skin because it locks in your skin’s natural oils.

Dust can cause issues. Rather than dry dusting, use a damp dust method instead. This will help capture the dust, rather than simply spreading it around the home. Also, because rugs and carpets are a beacon for dust, try not to have them in the house if at all possible.

Try to avoid over-bathing. Too much water irritates eczema. Spending more than 10 minutes in direct water stops moisturizing the skin. It actually dries it out. If you are unable to bathe within 5 to 10 minutes, try streamlining your bathing routine to make it as short and thorough as possible.

Remind yourself with text messages. Atopic dermatitis is known as a very common form of eczema. The research into text message reminders showed increased success with patients over the age of 14. Not only was it helping patients to stick with the treatment plans they had, but they had less eczema after 6 weeks. Many wished the program could continue.

If you have any of the many types of eczema, you should keep your fingernails cut short. Although individuals try to refrain from scratching the patches of dry, itchy skin, sometimes scratching is done as a reflex without conscious though. With shortened nails, it’s less likely that the dry, delicate skin will be punctured when you scratch it.


Most patients with eczema already know how important it is to moisturize their skin. But, what many do not know is the proper way to moisturize it. For starters, use a product that is unscented and contains no chemicals, as this can bother your skin. Also, be sure to moisturize frequently, especially after you shower.

If you prescribed or preferred moisturized comes in a tub, do not use your hands to scoop it out. This puts bacteria in the moisturizer that can get into your bloodstream during a breakout. Use a spoon or spatula to get enough moisturizer out of the tub to use. Make sure to clean the spoon between uses.

The Best Advice For Your Eczema Questions

Start putting a soothing oil in your bath with you. Using a bath oil will help keep the water from drying your skin out. You can emerge from the tub with your skin hydrated and nourished. Then finish up by applying a lotion to lock that moisture and hydration in.

Sleeping when suffering from an eczema flare-up may seem to next to impossible. You need to do whatever you can to make yourself comfortable. Put on moisturizer and be sure to always use cotton sheets on your bed. Also, be sure the room you sleep in is not too warm.

Always moisturize after a bath or shower. It is important for moisture to penetrate the skin. Showering leaves you damp and your pores open. For about three minutes after you get out of the water, your skin retains moisture. This is the best time to put on moisturizer.

Always wash clothes and other fabrics before using them. Dyes and other chemicals that can irritate your skin can be found on fabrics after you buy them from the store. Always wash clothes before you wear them and sheets before you sleep in them. Use an unscented detergent, and rinse them twice.

It is quite common for most people to not discuss skin conditions that bother them. This is why taking it upon yourself to read articles like this one are so important. Print this article out so that you can re-read it when necessary. You will be glad that you used the info given here to help your skin.